This is still under construction


Hello! If you're reading this right now for some reason, this website is still under construction, and likely will be for a long time as I'm still learning HTML. Featured below is a bunch of repeated lines in order to fill out the page a bit. I hope to make this site look nicer in the future, but for now, the amateurish look will have to do. - Miki

I'm still setting everything up as of right now, as this is a test to see if I remember HTML.

This website is a place for me to talk about things I like, whether that be a video game, music, movies, anime or something else.

If anything, this site is more akin to a blog, or a catalogue of things that I like.

Why make this site?

I'm bored.

I'm still setting everything up as of right now, as this is a test to see if I remember HTML.

This website is a place for me to talk about things I like, whether that be a video game, music, movies, anime or something else.

If anything, this site is more akin to a blog, or a catalogue of things that I like.

Why make this site?

I'm bored.

I'm still setting everything up as of right now, as this is a test to see if I remember HTML.

This website is a place for me to talk about things I like, whether that be a video game, music, movies, anime or something else.

If anything, this site is more akin to a blog, or a catalogue of things that I like.

Why make this site?

I'm bored.

I'm still setting everything up as of right now, as this is a test to see if I remember HTML.

This website is a place for me to talk about things I like, whether that be a video game, music, movies, anime or something else.

If anything, this site is more akin to a blog, or a catalogue of things that I like.

Why make this site?

I'm bored.